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Change History (Audit logging)

The change history mechanism is a data-driven utility that will be tied directly to the front-end application.  Whenever a user executes a menu option/button from the front-end, a change history record is generated.  The change history mechanism is transactional.  It will capture information about all of the records that were inserted, updated or deleted as a result of a change history event.


Financial System

The financial system adds an object dimension to financial reporting.  Typically, finance systems allow analysis by gl account and cost center.  This financial system can connect financial data to any object in the database.  For example, maintenance expenses can be connected to the asset registry or land revenues can be connected to the land parcel that generated them.  This allows users to produce financial statements based on any object or attribute of any object (e.g. produce financial statements based on assets that are owned versus leased).


Data Driven

The platform is 100% data driven.  The data dictionary is used to create databases, generate views, generate integrity constraints, and control change history. 


It is integrated with the data conversion module, data exchange engine, data warehouse generation, and the master data search engine.


Automatically Generate Data Warehouse

This feature will automatically generate a data warehouse based on selected databases.  It automatically creates the data warehouse and populates it based on the structures and contents of business unit databases that exist. 


Master Data Search

This feature allows the user to query that database based on any type of master data.  It will return the master data and the descendent data (child, grandchild, etc) related to the master data.

Temporal (Time sensitive)

This feature allows developers to easily manage temporal data.  It controls how segments get created, merged, and deleted.


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