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To empower our industry to create enterprise systems that can be customized to meet unique needs and have an inherent capability to exchange data. 

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Creating systems in a new way

The 3D Enterprise System introduces a fundamental shift in how organizations approach enterprise systems, focusing on business units rather than functions. Instead of building isolated systems and struggling with integration later, this platform allows for the implementation of modular systems that are shared across units, reducing redundancy and enhancing efficiency. Data is entered once and flows seamlessly across all relevant systems within the organization and externally, eliminating the manual reconciliation and aggregation currently required.


For conglomerates, the platform’s ability to automatically generate unified data warehouses across business units revolutionizes how they can leverage AI. With streamlined data flow and integration, insights can be generated more rapidly, giving organizations a competitive edge while minimizing integration challenges.


The 3D Platform is designed to solve integration challenges at scale. It can unify systems across large conglomerates like government departments, connecting entities from healthcare to education within a single architecture, and extend that integration externally, enabling smooth data exchange across industries like oil and gas.


By adopting this transformative vision, organizations can gradually transition from legacy systems, integrating them into the 3D Platform while phasing out inefficiencies. This approach not only future-proofs operations but also opens new possibilities for innovation and growth across sectors.

Today's enterprise systems were not created with the intention of implementing separate systems with many business units and then networking them together to effortlessly exchange all forms of master and transactional data.


As a result, we are forced to create a single monolithic system that addresses the needs of all business units.  This results in complexities with tailoring it to meet unique business unit needs and securing it so one business unit cannot see another business unit's data.


Furthermore, as a result of the "Theory of Functional Complexity" there is only so big these systems get before they implode in their own complexity.


The 3D approach will allow us to take on these challenges and break the barriers to address the needs of the most complex conglomerates. 

Breaking barriers

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