Data Warehouse Generate
80% of the effort related to artificial intelligence involves aggregating and cleansing data. What if data scientists didn't have to spend time on these tasks and could focus entirely on artificial intelligence?
The 3D Platform addresses this by including a data warehouse generation (DWG) capability that automatically aggregates data from various business unit systems into a single data warehouse for reporting.
Empowering Organization Through AI
​​Key Features
Aggregated Schema Creation: The DWG utility begins by merging data dictionaries from all listed systems, generating a consolidated database schema.
Handling System Customizations: Specialized columns and tables added by individual systems are recognized and seamlessly integrated into the data warehouse.
Merging Transactional and Master Data: Transactional data, such as journal entries, and master data, such as contacts, are merged across all systems, resulting in a comprehensive and consistent dataset in the warehouse.
Governance-Based Precedence: When conflicts arise, the system governing a particular master record takes precedence, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
Automatic updates: The utility will update the data warehouse when data from the source systems change.
The DWG utility addresses a critical issue in the IT industry by providing organizations with a powerful tool for automatically aggregating data for reporting and AI purposes.