Record Governance

Record governance is a critical principal necessary to accomplish data aggregation. In the real world, no single system governs all common data due to the dynamic nature of business operations and transactions. For instance, consider the lifecycle of oil well data: initially managed by one company, but as ownership transfers to another, governance of the data must seamlessly transfer as well. Similarly, a CPA member might move from one province to another so the record governance for the record needs to change.
Record governance within the 3D platform ensures clarity about which system holds the authoritative, or "gold," version of any record at any given time. By default, the system that creates a record automatically assumes governance over it. This governance can be dynamically transferred to another system as operational circumstances change, such as in business acquisitions or when an individual changes their region of residence.
This governance model is especially vital when aggregating data from diverse systems into a single data warehouse for reporting and AI analysis
Critical for data integrity - Record governance is critical for data integrity because it allows us to aggregate data and automatically know which system's version of a record to use. This ensures that the most up-to-date and accurate data is used throughout the organization.
Flexible - Record governance allows governance to be managed for record groups such as contact and its addresses. It also has features for transferring governance from one system to the next, which makes it flexible and adaptable to changing business needs.
Powerful - Record governance allows different systems to hold governance for records within a table. This means that records can be managed by multiple systems, which increases the efficiency of data management.
Performant - As a result of the primary key, record governance can be accomplished with little overhead. This means that data can be managed and maintained without impacting system performance.
For more information on Record Governance, please check out the following video