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Writer's pictureBlair Kjenner

Record Governance is needed to automate data exchange

Record governance is the third of five principles that will allow us to create enterprise systems that have an inherent capability to exchange data and aggregate it for reporting and AI.

Record governance is necessary because the same record may appear in many different systems and we need to know which version to trust.

When a system creates a record, it automatically governs it, and if needed, governance can be transferred to another system. For example, if an oil and gas company sells a well to another company, governance for the data related to the well would transfer to the new owner.

It is important to note that Record Governance applies to a group of records. For example, with well data there would be the main record and child records and even possibly grandchild records that relate to well that the new company would govern.

It is also important to note that records within a table can be governed by different systems. Oil Well data is a good example of that.

Record governance is greatly simplified by the fact that the primary key holds information that tells the system who created the record. That means we only need to keep track of exceptions where governance was transferred to another system.

Record governance is critical to data integrity and automatically aggregating data in data warehouses.

Please check out record governance at I welcome your comments, questions and likes. Thank you for your attention.

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